Yoga & Shiatsu
Yoga & Shiatsu Therapy
At STARR Clinic, we offer Pre & Post Shiatsu therapy sessions at your yoga studio. We provide added services to your end customers, improving customer engagement.
Shiatsu and yoga therapy are excellent ways for recipients of all ages and body types to de-stress, boost energy levels and immune function, and increase your sense of well-being. Shiatsu and yoga therapy can also be useful for navigating life transitions, goal setting, creativity boosting and enhancing mental focus. By awakening your deepest innate healing capabilities and balancing the dynamics of body, mind and spirit, shiatsu and yoga therapy can be beneficial for addressing symptoms associated with many physical and emotional conditions, including:
muscular tension, aches & pains, chronic pain
sleep issues
digestive issues
respiratory issues
menstrual cramps
fertility issues, pregnancy & postnatal support
symptoms associated with menopause
side effects of cancer treatments & prescription drugs
neurological conditions such as MS & Parkinson's
depression, anxiety, PTSD & phobias
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)
eating disorders
allergies, eczema & psoriasis
arthritis, joint stiffness & maintaining mobility with aging
Shiatsu uses pressure points to stimulate organs and meridians of the body. Yoga uses posture and breathing to stimulate the organs.
Each method has a certain effect on the body's nervous and muscular system, they awaken and balance the flow of body energy which is known as Qi or Ki (pronounced Key) as it is known in Shiatsu terminology. Attentive controlled breathing stimulates pressure points as does yoga asana (or poses). A tender area is often a sign that a Shiatsu pressure point needs some attention.